Card types

Hero cards

Heroes are the cornerstone of our game. When you play a Hero to the field they are initially “Exhausted” and cannot be immediately activated unless the card states otherwise. However, Heroes are prepared to block once your opponent’s turn starts. A Hero’s main purposes are Attacking and Defending against attacks but some have additional abilities and secondary uses so read carefully!

key components

Attack Stat

The base strength of a Hero when Attacking. Can modified with other cards.

Defense Stat

The base strength of a Hero when Defending. Can modified with other cards.

Special Ability

Some Heroes have Special Abilities listed in the center of the card.

Incada Stat

The primary purpose of Incada is determining how many Tools a Hero can equip. Secondarily it determines the base strength of a Hero when Grappling.

tool cards

Weapons, Armors, and Special Abilities that can be added to a Hero Card. Tools can change a Hero Card completely. In Challengers, just because a Hero is “average” doesn’t mean it will stay that way. Tools take effect the moment they are equipped and stay in effect until destroyed or the Hero they are equipped to is sent to the Infirmary.

key components


Usable Guilds

Banner Cards

Global Effect cards that are played to the Field. These cards can buff allies, nerf enemies, add abilities, and change mechanics for both players. Each has a destroy condition that can be utilized to have them sent to the Reserve.

key components


Effected Guilds

Destroy Condition

Instant Cards

Interrupts, stat shifts, card removals, mechanic shifts and so much more. Instants can be played at any point in the game, including your opponent’s turn as long as you have the Grace to play them. For an Instant Card to be in your deck 7 Heroes from the same Guild must be included in your build.

key components


Guild of Origin

Location Cards

Locations are designed to tilt the battle in drastic ways. You may only have 1 Location in your deck and it must match the Guild that you have the most Heroes from. They last for 2 full turns before moving to the Reserve at the start of your 3rd turn. Choose one of the 3 available effects for each of the 2 turns the card is active.

key components

Passive Ablilty

Chosen Effect

Guild of Origin